Sami's Daily Life


first time to skate!!

 Hey, this is Sami.


today I have just tried to skate with my friend who took me to there!!


since this was first time for me to skate, in the beginning when I started to do, that was so terrible....


i couldn’t stand up by myself...needed holding the side wall...which was my best partner at first...


but the more I was practicing , the better you would become☺️💓


Thanks for my variety of experience doing sports in my childhood, it would help me to skate very well actually ☺️


and After two and half hours, I was better than my friend..., whom used to skate since his childhood because he was from Denmark actually ~haha


I didn’t like winter sports but skating has became one of my hobbies 💓


but my feet are hurting now..f:id:asami1026:20181026070954j:imagef:id:asami1026:20181026070958j:image

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