Sami's Daily Life


Small party with strangers


Hey, Sami~!


today i was invited to a small party, 

which I was not sure for certain before visited.


There are 8 people including myself.

and one of them is who invited me to this party.


but lest of them were who had not known each other.


and they all are classmates and they look like that they are already closed...


no way...

there is no space to interact with them..


and one of them is from England and 

so talkative.... no stop to talk...


at at that time, I was really disappointed at my English skill again....because sometimes I didn’t catch up what she said...



but at some points I got it and they talked about catholic school, toilet and reputations of their teachers.


I really admired them being good at making topics and what they said was structural, which I was attracted to.


I think that they can make fun of everything around them:)


In the contrast, Japanese are unlikely to be a good speaker except people from Kansai...😂


For some reason, most of them tend to be pessimistic, including myself.

but I try to accept myself and doing my best to be positive😊


And also, I don’t wanna to be a person who is not interested in others.

Because communication is based on “ Interests” but not only on one way but each other.


Why I thought that is that I bumped into guys when I looked around downtown in Odense.


They are my friends’ friends, from France.

And when I introduced my nationality, they said “ Konnichiwa” to me.


it was impressive for me otherwise I couldn’t say anything to them because I didn’t know how to say the same in their language.


I thought it was such a shame🤢




There is a space to improve myself 



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